For those who follow Jesus the events of Easter
mark the most important moment of our faith.
So here at Celebration Church, we are pulling out all the stops.
Over Easter Weekend April 20th
We have two services: Community Good Friday Service held at Central Baptist
and Sunday morning at Celebration.
On Sunday the 20th it's all about new life with everything focused
on the joy and freedom that Jesus gives.
We will provide a light breakfast and an opportunity
for a family photo with an Easter backdrop
An area for children with a bouncy house, games and crafts, and an indoor Egg Hunt.

Good Friday
Service time: 7:00 pm 4/19
This Community service will be held at Central Baptist Church
Find Directions Here
For Good Friday we reflect on the suffering and sacrifice made for us in Jesus' death and burial.
Find Directions Here
For Good Friday we reflect on the suffering and sacrifice made for us in Jesus' death and burial.

Egg Hunt
Breakfast 9:00 am
Egg Hunt 10:00 am
A light breakfast will be provided with an area for Easter pictures. Bouncy house and games for kids in the warehouse.
Indoor Egg Hunt for Kids of all ages.
Indoor Egg Hunt for Kids of all ages.

Easter Service
Service 10:30 am 4/20
Our service will focus on the resurrection of Jesus and the new life He offers. Come celebrate with us!
No need to sign up, it's just good to know...